Customer Information Form

Customer Information

First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Secondary Person Name
Secondary Person Email
Secondary Person Contact Number
Company Name
BDM Assistant
Commercial Model

Particular Details
Primary Contact Person:
Contact Person's Designation:
Contact Person's Contact Number
Contact Person's Email ID and skype id
Technical Contact Person and skype id
Technical Person's Contact Number:
Technical Person's Email ID
Location with complete postal address
You came to know about us from (for ex google, bing etc/ existing bpo/consultant/ referral, website /Direct)
Sales Person with whom you are coordinating who shall act as your BDM throughout your usage of services
Commercial and Technical Model
Price on which model finalised
Destination/s to Dial
I have read the 26 support points
I have received the pre sales call
I have completed the PICL
Attach Copy of PAN Card or Office Address

Demo Request Form

Customer Information

Contact Number

Demo Request Form

Particular: Details ( Please fill and send back to BDM along with a Cc to )
Company Name:
Skype ID:
Primary Contact Person:
Contact Person's Designation:
Contact Person's Contact Number
Contact Person's Email ID
Technical Contact Person
Technical Person's Contact Number
Technical Person's Email ID
Technical Person's/Company's Skype id
Number of Seats
Scalability Plan ( If Any )
You came to know about us from
Sales person you are coordinating with
Services required for Demo
Price and Model on which commercials finalised
Payment Mode after succesful demo
Mode of Dialing ( In/Oubound Domestic/International )
Prerequisites for Demo
VoIP port 5060 is open
Bandwidth is above 108 kB X Number of Agents
Agent PC's at least Dual Core 1 GB with firefox
Working/Tested Headphone and Mic X Number of Agents

Not to be filled in case of a hosted dialer,Only for premised based dialer setups as an installation/demo prerequisite

Pre Installation Check List- Domestic Call Center

Customer Information

Contact Number

Task Status (yes/no)
PRI Line

( In case of other channels/trunking method ,such as FCT/Analog/GSM Bank/GSM gateway, Please request for a separate PICL from the BDM)

PRI Installed
TSP ( Telecom Service Provider Name )
How Many PRI Lines
PRI Card Details ( In case PRI procured by the client )
Ports on PRI Card ( In case PRI procured by the client )
Scalability Plan ( If Any )

( Would only be required for Support/Monitoring access availability for domestic cases )

Bandwidth installed?
ISP name?
How much bandwidth?
What type of bandwidth (Lease Line or Broadband) Recommended 512 kb 1:1 for every 5 Seats? For ex 10 Seats: 1 MB , 15 Seats 1.5 MB , 20 Seats: 2 MB, 50 Seats: 5 MB (1:1 shall be required)
What is the public IP pool provided by ISP? We would require 1 real IP for the Dialer Server or Preparations for Port Mapping
Cabling / headphones ( Recommonded USB Headphones , Please speak to your respective BDM for further details on USB headphones or discuss with Support Team during the pre sales call )
Headphones are available? Apart from USB Headphones , Normal Headphones with I/O jacks required which get inserted into the mic and headphone pins of the Agent PC, same as we use for Voice chat on skype/yahoo/gtalk
If yes, make of headsets/Headphones?
LAN Cabling / Termination done?
IP range planned for LAN
Public IP planned for Dialer Asterisk Server
Client Machines
CPU (Recomm. Dual Core or above) installed? OS shall be windows XP/Windows7/Windows8/Linux ( Technical Team must have know how for managing linux )
RAM (Recomm. 1 GB or Above ) installed?
HDD (Recomm. 20 GB) installed?
LAN CARD / Monitor / KBD / Mouse installed?
OS Installed (Recomm. Windows XP with SP2/Win7/Win8/Linux )
Online UPS? ( Must for Asterisk Dialer Server )
Server Details
Details of Server
Mother board
CPU (Recommended Core 2 Duo or above up to 10 Seats and Xeon for above 10 seats)?
RAM (Recomm. 4 GB for upto 6 Seats, 6 GB for 7 to 10 Seats, 8 GB for 11 to 25 Seats )?
HDD (Recomm. 320 GB or above for up to 6 Seats,500 GB for 7 to 12 Seats, 1 TB for 13 to 25 Seats , 2 TB for Above 25 Seats)?
2 LAN CARDs (One for public IP and one for private IP ( External NIC to be preferably D Link )/ Monitor / KBD / Mouse installed?
OS ( Not required as the same shall be installed by us )
Please ensure that at least one engineer (with basic networking and hardware/ Linux knowledge) is available at the site who can be trained from the first day of installation whether remote installation or physical installation.
Installation might take 12 to 48 hrs varying with case to case.
Please keep at least 2 days for testing phase in hand after the installation.
Any other information
I have read the 26 support points and have had the pre sales call from the support team and have adhered to the points mentioned on the PICL File
Reported and Authorised By:

Not to be filled in case of a hosted dialer,Only for premised based dialer setups as an installation/demo prerequisite

Pre Installation Check List- International Call Center

Customer Information

Contact Number

Task Status (yes/no)
Bandwidth installed?
ISP name?
How much bandwidth?
For hosted setup; center only needs Bandwidth @108 kb/seat, Agent PC & USB Headphones
What type of bandwidth (Lease Line or Broadband) Recommended 512 kb 1:1 for every 5 Seats? For ex 10 Seats: 1 MB , 15 Seats 1.5 MB , 20 Seats: 2 MB, 50 Seats: 5 MB (1:1 shall be required)
What is the public IP pool provided by ISP? We would require 1 real IP for the Dialer Server or Preparations for Port Mapping
Cabling / headphones ( Recommonded USB Headphones , Please speak to your respective BDM for further details on USB headphones or discuss with Support Team during the pre sales call )
Headphones are available? Apart from USB Headphones , Normal Headphones with I/O jacks required which get inserted into the mic and headphone pins of the Agent PC, same as we use for Voice chat on skype/yahoo/gtalk
If yes, make of headsets/Headphones?
LAN Cabling / Termination done?
IP range planned for LAN
Public IP planned for Dialer Asterisk Server
Client Machines
CPU (Recomm. Dual Core or above) installed? OS shall be windows XP/Windows7/Windows8/Linux ( Technical Team must have know how for managing linux )
RAM (Recomm. 1 GB or Above ) installed?
HDD (Recomm. 20 GB) installed?
LAN CARD / Monitor / KBD / Mouse installed?
OS Installed (Recomm. Windows XP with SP2/Win7/Win8/Linux )
Online UPS? ( Must for Asterisk Dialer Server )
Server Details
Details of Server
Mother board
CPU (Recommended Core 2 Duo or above up to 10 Seats and Xeon for above 10 seats)?
RAM (Recomm. 4 GB for upto 6 Seats, 6 GB for 7 to 10 Seats, 8 GB for 11 to 25 Seats )?
HDD (Recomm. 320 GB or above for up to 6 Seats,500 GB for 7 to 12 Seats, 1 TB for 13 to 25 Seats , 2 TB for Above 25 Seats)?
2 LAN CARDs (One for public IP and one for private IP ( External NIC to be preferably D Link )/ Monitor / KBD / Mouse installed?
OS ( Not required as the same shall be installed by us )
Please ensure that at least one engineer (with basic networking and hardware/ Linux knowledge) is available at the site who can be trained from the first day of installation whether remote installation or physical installation.
Installation might take 12 to 48 hrs varying with case to case.
Please keep at least 2 days for testing phase in hand after the installation.
Any other information
I have read the 26 support points and have had the pre sales call from the support team and have adhered to the points mentioned on the PICL File
Reported and Authorised By:

